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tv   Speech  CSPAN  March 24, 2013 10:30am-11:25am EDT

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procedurally even if it is a good idea is difficult to even conceive. >> and if that is the line that republicans use, we're not even going to talk about the other stuff until the border is secure, what's the possibility that a pathway to citizenship is included in some sort of immigration bill? >> i think the possibility is still quite high. i think senator coburn represents a certain wing of the party that has always said border security above all else. and frankly there are a lot of members of the senate for whom the border will never be secure enough. listening to that interview it made me think how hard it is going to be to persuade some of those people. >> all right. thank you both. appreciate it. >> tomorrow on "washington journal," former republican national committee chair michael steele talks about the
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future of the republican party. followed by former presidential candidate ralph nader discussing income inequality between the typical wage earner and ceos. then a look at the justice department program that spends almost $300 million grants on halfway houses to help inmates prepare for life in society. >> we could take pictures of the brain with mri scans or ct scans and see the whole thing but there's this enormous gap in between about how the sirblingts in the brain function in order to be able to move my hand or to look at you and process that information or to lay down a memory. we don't know how that works. with technology yet to be invented so a lot of this is going to be technology development and nano technology, what we aim to do is to be able to record from thousands maybe hundreds of thousands of brain cells at the same time and be able therefore
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to understand how these circuits work. that's the brain activity map that's being talked about. very early days we don't have a scientific plan yet about milestones and timetables and costs but it's getting to be a very exciting moment to put something together that we couldn't have thought of. >> more with nih director dr. france sess collins tonight at 8:00. now, president obama speaks to students in israel after meetings with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and he reaffirmed his commitment to israel and discussed security concerns and the road to peace in the middle east. this is about an hour.
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>> well, it is a great honor to be with you here and i'm so grateful for the welcome that i've received from the people of israel. i bring with me the support of the american people and the
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friendship that binds us together. you know, over the last few days i've reaffirmed the bonds between our countries with prime minister netanyahu and perez. i've born witness to the ancient history of the jewish people at the shrine of the book i've seen your future in your scientists and entrepreneurs. this is a nation of museums and patents, timeless holy sites, ground-breaking innovation. only in israel could you see the dead sea scrols and the place where the technology on board the mars rover originated t the same time. but what i most look forward to is the ability to speak directly to you, the israeli people, especially so many
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young people who are here today. to talk about the history that brought us here today and the future that you will make in the years to come. now, i know that in israel vibrant democracy every word and every gesture is carefully scrutinized. but i want to clear something up just so you know any drama between me and my friend bb over the years was just a plot to create material for arat. that's the only thing that was oing on. we just wanted to make sure the writers had good materials. i also know that i've come to
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israel on the eve of a sacred holiday, the celebration of passover. and that is where i would like to begin today. just a few days from now, jews here in israel and around the world will sit with family and friends at the sader table and celebrate with songs, wine, and symbolic foods. after enjoying sadar with family and friends in chicago and on the campaign trail i'm proud that i've now brought this tradition into the white house and i did so -- applause -- i did so because i wanted my daughters to experience it. and the story at the center of passover that makes this time of year so procedural. it's a story of centuries of slavery and years of wandering in the desert.
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a story of perseverence amidst persecution. in faith in god. and the torah. it's a story about finding freedom in your own land. and for the jewish people this story is central to who you've become. but it's also a story that holds within it the universal human experience, with all of its suffering, but also all of its salvation. it's a part of the three great religions, judism, christianity and islam that trace their origins to abraham and see jerusalem as sake red. and it's a story that has inspired communities across the globe, including me and my fellow americans. in the united states, a nation made up of people who crossed oceans to start anew were naturally drawn to the idea of finding freedom in our lands.
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to african americans, the story of the exodus was perhaps the central story, the most powerful image about emerging from the grip of bondage to reach for liberty and human dignity, a tale that was carried from slavery through the civil rights movement into today. for generations this promise helped people weather poverty and persecution while holding on to the hope that a better day was on the horizon. for me personally growing up in far flung parts of the world and without firm roots, the story spoke to a yearning within every human being for a ome. of course, even as we draw strength from the story of god's will and his gift of
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freedom expressed on passover, we also know that here on earth we must bear our responsibility in an imperfect world. that means accepting our measure of sacrifice and struggle just like previous generations. it means us working through generation after generation on behalf of that ideal of freedom. as dr. martin luther king said on the day before he was killed, i may not get there with you, but i want you to know that we as a people will get to the promised land. so just as joshua carried on after moses, the work goes on for all of you. the joshua generation. for justice, and digget, for opportunity and freedom.
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for the jewish people, the journey to the promise of the state of israel wound through countless generations involved centuries of suffering and exile. prejudice, and problems. and even genocide. through it all, the jewish people sustained their unique identity and traditions as well as the longing to return home. and while jews achieved extraordinary success in many parts of the world, the dream of true freedom finally found its full expression in the zy i don't knowist idea to be a free people in your homeland. and that's why i believe israel is rooted not just in history and tradition but also in a simple and profound idea. the idea that people deserve to e free in a land of their own.
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over the last 65 years, when israel has been at its best israelis demonstrated that responsibility does not end when you reach the promised land. it only begins. and so israel has been a refuge for the diaspora, welcoming jews from europe. from the former soviet union, from ethiopia, from north frica. israel has built a prosperous nation through the desert that bloomed, business that broadened the middle class, innovators that reached new front tiers from the smallest microchip to the orbits of space. israel's established a thriving democracy with a spirited civil
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society and proud political parties, and a tireless free press and a lively public debate. lively may be an nderstatement. and israel has achieved all this even as it's overcome relentless threats to its security, through the courage of the israel defense forces and the citizenry that is so resilient in the face of terror. this is a story of israel, this is the work that has brought the dreams of so many generations to light. and every step of the way israel has built unbreakable bonds of friendship with my country, the united states of america. those ties began only 11
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minutes after israeli independents, when the united states was the first nation to recognize the state of israel. as president truman said in explaining his decision to recognize israel, i believe it has a glorious future before us not just as another sovereign nation but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization. and since then we have built a friendship that advances our shared interests. together we share a commitment to security for our citizens, and the stability of the middle east and north africa. together we share a focus on advancing economic growth around the globe and strengthening the middle class within our own countries. together we share a stake in the success of democracy. but the source of our friendship extends beyond mere interests, just as it has
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transcended political parties and individual leaders. america is a nation of immigrants. america is strengthened by diversity. america is enriched by faith. we are governed not simply by men and women but by laws. we're fueled by entrepreneurship and innovation and we are defined by a democratic discourse that allows each generation to reimagine and renew our union once more. so in israel, we see value that is we share. even as we recognize what makes us different. that is an essential part of our bonds. now, i stand here today mindful that for both our nations these are some complicated times. we have difficult issues to work through within our own countries and we face dangers
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and upheavel around the world. and when i look at young people within the united states, i think about the choices they must make in their lives to define who will be as a nation in this 21st century particularly as we emerge from two wars and the worst recession since the great depression. but part of the reason i like talking to young people is because no matter how great the challenges are, their idealism, their energy, their ambition lways gives me hope. and i see the same spirit in the young people here today. i believe that you will shape our future and given the ties etween our country i believe our future is bound to ours.
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inaudible] >> this is part of the lively debate that we talked about. his is good. i have to say we actually arranged for that because it ade me feel at home.
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i wouldn't feel comfortable if i didn't have at least one he cannler. -- heckler. i would like to focus on how we -- and when i say we in particular young people -- can work together to make progress in three areas that will define our times. security, peace, and rosperity. let me begin with security. i am proud that the security relationship between the united states and israel has never been stronger. never. more exercises between our military, more exchanges among our political and military and intelligence officials than ever before, the largest
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program to date to help you retain your qual tative military edge. these are the facts, these aren't my opinions. these are facts. but to me this is not simply measured on a balance sheet. i know that here in israel security is something personal. here's what i think about when i consider these issues. when i consider israel's security i think about children ike osha who i met here. children the same age as my own ughters who went to bed at night fearful that a rocket wound land in their bedroom simply because of who they are and where they live. that reality is why we have invested in the iron dome
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system, to save countless lives because those children deserve to spleep better at night. that is why we have made it clear time and again that israel cannot accept rocket attacks from gaza wnd we have stood up for israel's rights to defend itself. and that is why israel has a right to expect hamas to reject violence and recognize israel's rights to exist. when i think about israel's security i think about five israelis who boarded the buses in bulgaria were blown up because of where they came from. robbed of the ability to live and love and raise families. that's why every country that values justice should call hezbollah what it truly is, a
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errorist organization. because the world cannot tolerate an organization that murders innocent civilians, stock pilse rockets to shoot at cities and support it is massacre of men and women and children in syria right now. the fact that hezbollah's allies, the asad regime has stockpiled chemical weapons only heightens the urgency. we will continue to cooperate closely to guard against that danger. i've made it clear to alassad and all who follow his orders we will not tolerate the use of chemical weapons against the southeastern people or the transfer of those weapons. the world is watching.
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e will hold you accountable. the syrian people have the right to be freed from the grips of a dit takor who would rather kill his own people than relinquish power. assad must go so the serious future can begin. because true stability in syria begins upon establishing a government that is responsible to its people. one that protects all communities within its borders while making peace with countries beyond them. these are the things i think about when i think about israel's security. when i consider israel's security i also think about a people who have a living memory of the holocaust. faced with the prospect of a nuclear-armed iranian government that has called for israel's destruction. it's no wonder israelis view
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this as an existential threat. but this is not simply a challenge for israel. it is a danger for the entire world including the united tates. a nuclear-armed iran would raise the risk of nuclear terrorism, it would undermine the nonproliferation regime, it would spark an arms race in ra volatile region, and it would embolden a government that has shown no respects for the rights of its own people or the responsibilities of nations. that's why america's built a coalition to increase the cost to iran of failing to meet their obligations. iranian government is now under more pressure than ever before and that pressure is increasing. it is isolated its economy is in dire straits its leadership is divided. and its position in the region and the world has only grown eaker.
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i do believe that all of us have an interest in resolving this issue peacefully. trong and principled diplomacy is the best way to ensure that the iranian government foresakes nuclear weapons. peace is far more preferable to war and the inevitable cost the unintended consequences that would come with war means that we have to do everything we can to try to resolve this diplomatically. because of the cooperation between our governments we know that there remains time to pursue a diplomatic solution. that's what america will do with clear eyes working with a world that's united and with the sense of urgency that's
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required. but iran must know that time is not unlimited. and i've made the position the united states of america clear. iran must not get a nuclear weapon. this is not a danger that can be contained. and as president i said all options are on the table for achieving our objectives. america will do what we must to revent a nuclear-armed iran. for young israelis, i know that these issues of security are rooted in an experience that is even more fundamental than the pressing threat of the day. you live in a neighborhood where many of your neighbors have rejected the rights of your nation to exist. and your grandparents had to risk their lives and all that they had to make a place for
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themselves in this world. your parents lived through war after war to ensure the survival of the jewish state. your children grew up knowing that people they've never met may hate them because of who they are in a region that is full of turmoil and changing underneath your feet. so that is what i think about when israel faces these challenges. that sense of an israel that is surrounded be many in this region who still reject it and many in the world who refuse to accept it. that's why the security of the jewish people in israel is so important. it cannot be taken for granted. but make no mistake, those who adhere to the ideology of rejecting israel's right to exist, they might as well reject the earth beneath them or the sky above because israel is not going anywhere.
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and today i want to tell you particularly the young people so that there's no mistake here, so long as there is a ]nited states of america, speaking a foreign language] you are not alone. kind of ion is, what
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future israel will look forward to? israel is not going anywhere. but especially for the young people in this audience, the question is what does its future hold? and that brings me to the ubject of peace. i know israel has taken risks for peace. reat leaders men ack ham rabreen.ts ack made credible proposals to the palestinians at annapolis. you withdrew from gaza and lebanon and then faced terror
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and rockets. across the region, you've extended a hand of friendship and all too often you've been confronted with rejection and in some cases the ugly reality of anti-semityism. so i believe that the israeli people do want peace. too also understand why many israelis, maybe an increasing number, maybe a lot of young people here today, are skeptical that it be achieved. but today israel is at a across roads. it can be tempting to put aside the frustrations and sacrifices that come with the pursuit of peace. particularly when iron dome rep else rockets, barriers keep out suicide bombers. there's so many other pressing issues that demand your attention. and i know that only israelis
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can make the fundamental decisions about your country's future. i recognize that. i also know by the way that not everyone in this hall will agree with what i have to say about peace. i recognize that there are those who are not simply skeptical about peace but question its underlying premise. have a different vision for izz razzle future. and that's part of a democracy. that's part of the discourse between our two countries. i recognize that. but i also believe it's important to be open and honest especially with your friends. i also believe that. you know politically given the strong bipartisan support for israel in america, the easiest thing for me to do would be to put this issue aside, just
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express unconditional support for whatever israel decides to do. that is the easiest political path. i want you to know that i speak to you as a friend who is deeply concerned about your future. i ask you to consider three points. first, peace is necessary. [applause] i believe that. i believe that peace is the only path to true security. you can be -- [applause] you have the opportunity to be the generation that permanently secures it or you can face the future. ofen the demographics west the jordan river, the only way
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for israel to endure and thrive as a jewish and democratic state independent and viable palestine. -- is through the realization of an independent and viable palestine. that is true. [applause] there are other factors in involved given the frustration in the international community about this conflict. tone of isolation. the only way to truly protect
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the israeli people is through the absence of war. no iron dome is strong enough or perfect enough to stop every enemy that is intend on doing so from inflicting harm. the truth is more pronounced given the changes sweeping the arab world. i understand with the uncertainty in the region, the changes in bishop, the rise of non secular party in polish it is a turn inward because the situation outside of israel seems so chaotic. but this is precisely the time to respond the way the revolution with a resolve and commitment for peace. [applause] as more governments respond to popular will, the days when
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israel could seek peace simply with a handful of autocratic leaders, those days are over. amongwill have to be made peoples, not among governments. [applause] no single step can change overnight what the -- what lies in the minds and hearts of millions. no single step is going to erase years of history and propaganda. but progress with the palestinians is a powerful way to begin while sidelining extremists who thrive on conflict and thrive on division. it would make a difference. [applause] pieces necessary.
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but peace is also just. peace is also just. there is no question that israel has faced palestinian factions who turned into terror. leaders who missed historic opportunities. that is all true. security must be at the center of any agreement. question that the path to peace is through negotiations. will suppose -- will oppose unilateral negotiations. it has to be done by the parties. the palestinian people's right to self-determination, their right to justice, must also be recognized.
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[applause] put yourself in their shoes. look at the world through their eyes. fair that a palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of their own. [applause] living their entire lives with the presence of foreign armies that control the movements, not just of the young people but their parents and grandparents every single day. when federalt violence against palestinians goes unpunished. [applause] it is not right to prevent
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palestinians from farming their lands or restricting a student possibility to move around the west bank. neither occupation or expulsion is the answer. [applause] just as israelis built a stake in their homeland, palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land. [applause] i am going of script for a second. before i came here i met with a group of young palestinians from the age of 15 to 22.
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talking to them, they were not different from my daughters. they were not different from your daughters. or sons. i honestly believe that any israeli parent sat down with those kids they would say "i want these kids to succeed. i want them to prosper. i want them to have opportunities just let my kids do. i believe that is what israeli parents want for their kids if they had a chance to listen to them and talk to them." i believe that. [applause] only you can determine what kind
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of democracy will have. you make these decisions you will find ridiculed find that only the future of your relationship with the palestinians, you will define the future of israel as well. [applause] i am quoting him, " it is impossible to have a jewish democratic state at the same israel.control all of if we insist on fulfilling the dream in its entirety, we are liable to lose all." [applause] or from a different perspective, i think of what was said after he lost his son. said,e of no choice, he
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must be approached with the same determination and creativity as one approaches a war of no choice. [applause] israel cannot be expected to negotiate with anyone who is dedicated to its destruction. [applause] i know you have had differences with the palestinian authority, i genuine believe you have a true partner in president abbas and the prime minister. i believe that. they have a track record to prove it. they have built institutions and maintain security on the west bank in ways you could have imagined a few years ago. many palestinians, including
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young people, have rejected violence as a means of achieving their aspirations. peace is possible. [applause] i'm not saying it is guaranteed. i cannot say that it is more likely than not, but it is possible. i know it does not seem that way. there will always be reasons to avoid risk. there are costs for failing. there will always be extremists who provide an excuse not to act. i know there must be something exhausting about endless talks about talks and daily controversies and the grinding status quo.
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i'm sure there is a feeling to say, enough. let me focus on my small corner of the world and my family and my job and what i can control. but it is possible. negotiations will be necessary, but there's no secret about where they must lead. two states for two peoples. [applause] there will be differences on how to get there. there will be hard choices along the way. arab states must adapt to a world that has changed.
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now is the time for the arab world to take steps toward normalizing relations with israel. [applause] palestinians must recognize that israel will be a jewish state and that israelis have the right to secure their security. [applause] israelis must recognize that an independent palestine must be pliable with real borders that need to be drawn. [applause] i have suggested principles on territories and security i believe can be the basis for
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these talks. for the moment, put aside the plans and the process. i ask you to think about what can be done to build trust between two people. four years ago, i stood in cairo in front of an audience of young people. they must seem a world away, but the things that they want are not so different from what the young people here want. they want the ability to make their own decisions and get a good job and worship god in their own way and to get married and raise a family. the same is true of those young palestinians and met this morning. the same is true for those who yearn for a better life in gaza. there is that sense of empathy that takes place among those who live together in this land and in this sacred city of jerusalem.
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[applause] let me say this -- i can promise you this, political leaders never take risks if the people do not push them to take some risk. you must create the change that you want to see. [applause] ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things. i know this is possible. builto the bridges being in civil society by some of you here today. look at the young people. they have learned to overcome a legacy of mistrust that they inherited from their parents. they simply recognize that we
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hold more hopes in common than the fears that drive us apart. your voices must be louder. look to a future in which jews and muslims and christians can all live in peace and greater prosperity in this holy land. believe in that. [applause] most of all, let it be a future you want for your children. in which a jewish democratic vibrant state is protected and accepted for this time and for all time. [applause] there'll be many who say this is not possible. israel is the most powerful country in this nation. israel has a unshakable support of the most powerful country in the world.
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[applause] israel is not going anywhere. they have the wisdom to see the world as it is. this is in your nature. israel has courage to see the world as it should be. [applause] in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles. sometimes the greatest miracle does recognizing that the world can change. that is a lesson the world has learned from the jewish people. that brings me to the final area i will focus on. broaderty and israel's role in the world. andof the talk of security peace can sometimes seem to dominate the headlines, but
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that is not where people live. threatsy, even in the you face, israelis are defining themselves that opportunities you are creating. the talent and hard work, israelis have put this small country at the forefront of the global economy. israelis understand the value of education and have produced 10 nobel laureates. [applause] israelis understand the power of invention and universities educate engineers. economicit has led to growth and progress. solar power, electric cars, synthetic limbs, stem cell research that treat disease. computer technologies that change the way people around the world live.
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if people want to see the world of the future economy, they should look at tel aviv, home of research centers and startups. [applause] israelis are active on social media. every day seems to be a different facebook campaign on where i should give a speech. [laughter] [applause] that innovation is as important to the relationship between the united states and israel for security. our first free trade agreement in the world was reached with israel, nearly three decades ago. today the trade between our two countries is at $40 billion every year. [applause]
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more importantly, that partnership has created new products and medical treatments and pushing new frontiers of science and exploration. that is the kind of relationship israel should have and could have with every country in the world. we see how that innovation could reshape this region. there is a program in jerusalem that brings together young israelis and palestinians to learn vital skills in technology and business. and in israeli and palestinian have joined together to begin a start. it speaks to the talent and entrepreneurial spirit. one of the great ironies of what is happening in the broader region is that so much of what people are yearning for -- education, entrepreneurship, the ability to start a business, the ability to connect to the club
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theomy, -- connect to global economy, those are things that can be found right here in israel. they should be a hub for thriving regional trade and an [applause] forel is a center innovation that helps power the global economy. all of the potential for prosperity can be enhanced with greater security. enhanced with lasting peace. [applause] here in this land that has been the center of so much of the world's history, israelis have built something that few could have imagined 65 years ago.
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tomorrow i will contribute to that history. the grave of the man who had the foresight to see the future of the jewish people to be reconnected to the past, the grave of the one who understood that the war had to be followed by the battle for peace, where the world is reminded of the cloud of evil that can descend on the jewish people and all of humanity if we ever fail to be vigilant. we bear all of that history on our shoulders. we carry that history in our hearts. today as we face the twilight of the israel founding -- it falls to you to write the next chapter of this
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great nation. as the president of a country that you can count on is your greatest friend, i am confident that you can help us find the prominence in the days that lie ahead. there is a man who has been inspired by that time is calling within the jewish experience. i'm hopeful we can draw upon what is best upon ourselves to meet the challenges that come to win the battle for peace in the wake of so much war and to repair this world. that is your job. that is my job. that is the task of all of us. may god bless you and israel. may god bless the united states of america. thank you. ♪
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>> next week, the supreme court gives its argument on two same- sex marriage cases. the first is on tuesday on the constitutionality of california's proposition 8. and amending the state's constitution to recognize the marriage only between a man and woman. on wednesday the case of the constitutionality of the federal defense of marriage act. you can listen to both of those oral arguments on tuesday and wednesday evening at 8:00 on c- span. >> monday night, called a bigamist and then adulterate during her husband's 1828 campaign, richard jackson dies of an apparent heart


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